Coy Koi
“In the middle of nothing,
I join the source of all things.”—Lao Tse
Look beneath the distracting, sun-silvered surface
And peer into the deep blue, green waters
To see The Way.
I am Tao,
I am Koi.
I am still and calm,
My mirroring mind and body
Reflect back to you the good fortune you seek
And your unspoken dreams
Hidden well beneath your aspirations.
I will show you how to let the waters carry you
And the efficiency of serenity-slow movement
be all you need.
I will teach you to feel your inner quiet,
To be sensitive to your circumstances,
And empty enough to listen to your own intuition.
And you will discover your original simplicity,
The simplicity that contains your natural power,
All of the power you will ever need.
I show you your dreams beneath the surface.
—Dan Beam
Can you find the woman in the water?